We need to thin the herds and flocks:
2 – Mini Hereford cross heifers (1 born 12/23, Mini Hereford/Charleigh & Black Angus cross) (1 born 4/24, Mini Hereford/Mini Hereford Scottish Highlander). $1,250.00 each or $2,000.00 for the pair.
Lots of goats: Full Boers to Nubian/Boer crosses – ranging in age from 5 months to 2 years, billies, does and whether’s. Ranging from $100 to $400 each
Yorkshire/Blue Yorkshire Weaners for sale: born 6/24 – 3 females, and 1 castrated male $200 each or $600 for the lot
Barnyard Chickens for sale: chicks $5, poulets $10, and young hens just starting to lay $15.00. Great for eggs or meat.
You can call or text, 509-314-0703, or email me at deewatson2013@yahoo.com. (Pine Firewood coming this Fall)