• Special Education ParaEducator

Special Education ParaEducator


Type : Job
Date : February 3, 2025


General Summary

The job of Special EducationParaeducator is done for the purpose of working with individual and/or smallgroups of students under the supervision of a certificated teacher in thesupervision and instruction of students; and providing clerical support to teachersand staff. 

Essential Functions

1.      Assists students, individually or in smallgroups, with lesson assignments for the purpose of presenting and/orreinforcing learning concepts.


2.       Implements,under the supervision of assigned teacher, instructional programs and lessonplans for the purpose of assisting the teacher in improving student academic success.


3.       Modifiesclassroom work/homework for the purpose of providing a method to support and/orreinforce classroom objectives.


4.       Maintainsclassroom equipment, work area, student files/records for the purpose ofensuring availability of items and/or providing reliable information.


5.       Monitorsindividual and/or groups of students in a variety of settings (e.g. classroom,playground, library, lunchroom, etc.) for the purpose of providing a safe andpositive learning environment.


6.       Performsrecord keeping and clerical functions for the purpose of supporting the teacherand/or providing necessary records/materials. 


Other Functions

Performs otherrelated duties for the purpose of ensuring the efficient and effectivefunctioning of the work unit.

Minimum Qualifications


High SchoolDiploma or GED

Associate’sdegree OR 48 semester/72quarter hours from an accredited college or university; OR passing score of 455 on the ParaPro Assessment. (Mustprovide Official Transcripts to District Office)


SKILLS arerequired to perform multiple, non-technical tasks with a potential need toupgrade skills in order to meet changing job conditions.  Specific skills required to satisfactorilyperform the functions of the job include; operating standard office equipmentincluding using pertinent software applications; preparing and maintainingaccurate records. 

KNOWLEDGE is requiredto perform basic math, including calculations using fractions, percents, and/orratios; read a variety of manuals, write documents following prescribedformats, and /or present information to others; and understand complex,multi-step written and oral instructions. Specific knowledge-based competencies required to satisfactorily performthe functions of the job include: concepts of grammar and punctuation; stagesof child development and learning styles; and age appropriate activities.

ABILITY is requiredto schedule activities and/or meetings; collate data; and use basic,job-related equipment.  Flexibility isrequired to work with others in a variety of circumstances; work with datautilizing defined but different processes; and operate equipment usingstandardized methods.  Ability is alsorequired to work with a wide diversity of individuals; work with a variety ofdata; and utilize job-related equipment. In working with others, some problem solving may be required to identifyissues and select action plans.  Problemsolving with data may require independent interpretation; and problem solvingwith equipment is limited to moderate. Specific abilities required to satisfactorily perform the functions ofthe job include: communicating with diverse groups; maintainingconfidentiality; setting priorities; working as part of a team; and workingwith constant interruptions.  Ability tokeyboard, use computers.


Responsibilitiesinclude: working under direct supervision using standardized procedures;providing information and/or advising others; and operating within a definedbudget. 

Working Environment

The usual andcustomary methods of performing the job’s functions require the followingphysical demands: occasional lifting, carrying, pushing, and/or pulling; somestooping, kneeling, crouching, and/or crawling; and significant fine fingerdexterity.  Generally, the job requires35% sitting, 35% walking, and 30% standing. 


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